Mark Cross became interested in genealogy at the age of 12. That’s when he read an unpublished and unsourced family tree by a distant relative, that included a transcribed letter written by an ancestor about his adventures fighting for the Union in the Civil War. After college, he started doing his own research and became hooked. When he discovered a link to a Revolutionary War Patriot and a Mayflower passenger, he decided to get more educated and experienced, and has joined the Sons of the American Revolution and the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. He has attended the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG), the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR) in Georgia, and is a graduate of ProGen 37. He is a member of the Southern California Genealogical Society, New England Historic Genealogical Society, The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society and Association of Professional Genealogists. Mark has published two articles in the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly (APGQ) and is a genealogy blogger https://markcrossgenealogy.com/ and takes genealogy clients http://storyfinder.us/ and is a voice actor and an OSHA Safety Trainer and CPR instructor. When he’s not researching dead people, he’s training on the subject of how to keep people alive.
Training, Awards & Achievements
- GRIP 2024; Advanced DNA Evidence with Blaine Bettinger and Angie Bush
- SLIG 2024; Immigration from Colonial Times to 1890 with D. Joshua Taylor
- IGHR 2021; Writing and Publishing for Genealogists with Tom Jones
- GenProof 51 beta group
- Article published in APGQ, Dec 2020, “Using Zotero in Genealogy”
- SAR Awards: Chapter Distinguished Service Medal November 2020; Bronze Roger Sherman Medal November 2020
- Registrar of Sons of Liberty Los Angeles Chapter SAR 2020-present
- 2020 APGQ Excellence Award for APGQ article Sept 2019
- Article published in APGQ, Sept 2019, “Books for Professional Genealogists: The Recommendations of Bibliophiles”
- SLIG 2019; Advanced Genealogical Methods with Tom Jones
- ProGen 37 completed June 2019
- SLIG 2018; Taking Your Research to the Next Level with Paula Stuart-Warren
- Board of Directors, Southern California Genealogical Society, 2019-present
- Jamboree 2014 to present; attended every Jamboree and presented at every Jamboree since 2021